July 14, 2009

Fun with photos

I have a passion for photographs. Whether i like to click photos or not, i love playing with pictures. especially with a tool like picasa, i freak out.
Recently a friend shared a website with me which lets you have more fun with your photos. Its an excellent website - www.photofunia.com. One thing led to another, and i am now spending all my time looking for more things to do with photos. The kind of things one can do is absolutely amazing.

July 4, 2009

This and That

Time is flying by and before i know, my little boy is going to be three months old. Amma has gone back to chennai and now its family time until the next set of grandparents come. Well, the days are mostly busy - cooking, being with Sid, cleaning etc etc. Its good to be busy though. Ug's been home too - working from home a couple of days and then we had the long weekend - so good fun. We have become so lethargic these days - dont know how we will cope in a busy set up! Funnily, our boy is just like us. Change his regular routine or just change the position in which he is and he doesnt like it.

We went to " Picture People" last week for a photo shoot. Ended up with four pictures this time. Sid looks adorable in these pics. we are running out of real estate to put up these pictures now.

I have been trying a lot of new recipes. Found a new site - www. myrecipes.com. It has different cuisines which are fun to try. Talking about food, i have to make a mention of my manga pachadi. Ugen loves it so much that he eats curd rice just for this. I once used to make little just for myself coz i loved it- but now i make loads coz ugen loves it.

Nothing much to pen otherwise. rest in next. So long until then - cya!